Population Health Podcast

Welcome to RCM360 Drive Time The podcast to help you increase revenue, streamline claims, and create efficient billing and collections processes, all designed to drive profits to your medical practice. Today’s episode: Population Health https://www.rcm360.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/06-Boost-pt-3-Pop-Health-12_11.mp3

Leveraging Quality Reporting Episode 2 Podcast

Welcome to RCM360 Drive Time The podcast to help you increase revenue, streamline claims, and create efficient billing and collections processes, all designed to drive profits to your medical practice. Today’s episode: Leveraging Quality Reporting Episode 2 https://www.rcm360.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/05-Quality-Reporting-Episode-2.mp3

The Cost of AR Follow Up Podcast

Welcome to RCM360 Drive Time The podcast to help you increase revenue, streamline claims, and create efficient billing and collections processes, all designed to drive profits to your medical practice. Today’s episode: The Cost of AR Follow Up https://www.rcm360.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/02-DriveTime_AR-72518-9.51-AM.mp3

Unbilled Encounters Podcast

Welcome to RCM360 Drive Time The podcast to help you increase revenue, streamline claims, and create efficient billing and collections processes, all designed to drive profits to your medical practice. Today’s episode: Unbilled Encounters https://www.rcm360.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/01-unbilledEN-62218-11.49-AM.mp3

Episode 3: The Last AR Follow-up

For those of you in the south…Who loves shopping at Publix!?  This is not a commercial.  They do this great marketing promotion:  BOGO.  You perceive that you are getting a great deal by buying the first at full retail price and getting the second for free.  We could get into the details of the pricing…