Custom Dashboards

While your focus is mainly on caring for patients, having a clear understanding of your finances is critical to your success. If you do not have instant access with a high-level of transparency, it is hard to ensure you are on the right track and could result in lost revenue.

RCM360 can provide Custom Dashboards that not only offer you the data you need to improve your financial status but also can be a catalyst for simplifying your processes and increasing collections. Following are examples of Custom Dashboards that can be created by our team of experts.

Custom Dashboard

AR Balance by Payer Type by Claim Month

  • Provides details of how much AR is left to be collected by month. This is important as the expectation would be both insurance and patient AR to decrease month over month.  If it does not, you can easily pinpoint issues and develop processes to correct them.
  • Patient AR and insurance AR is separated so you can clearly concentrate on one or the other
  • Manage credit balances and potential refunds by month – by patient or by insurance.
  • Exposes potential liabilities that require action (compliance) and potentially how much money will be lost
  • Helps you watch for trends or errors in certain months. For example, patient AR has not gone down in the last 3 months.

Charges by CPT Group by Month

  • You can easily watch month-to-month how many charges were created in each of your CPT groups.  If there is a drop or an increase that is unexpected this Dashboard allows you see it right away and can begin developing processes to address shortfalls.
  • This can help you determine seasonal ups and downs by CPT group, which provides valuable insight into best ways to manage patient scheduling.

Assigned Claims Aging by User

  • This Dashboard reports helps keep track of the number of claims assigned to specific users in the office, to ensure they are worked in a timely manner.  Anything sitting for too many days should be questioned.

Current KPI Client

  • Monitor key performing indicators to understand how we are doing from a high level.
    • Days in AR
    • Net collection Rate
    • % sitting in AR over 120 days
    • Rejections not worked in 2-days (contractual obligation with RCM360)

Charges and Payments by Month

  • Shows monthly totals for payments posted and charges created
  • Compares each month to your practice average
  • Ensures we are staying on task with posting payments and creating charges, consistently

CPT CAS Denials by Category by Month – 6 months

  • Captures real-time data with regards to denials and payer communications
  • Allows you to sort denials by type identifying the root of the problem and an opportunity to create new workflow to correct issues.